Joint pain is one of the most debilitating conditions and herbal remedies for joint pain treatment can both tackle the symptoms and the root cause of this problem. Joint pain herbal remedies are most effective in balancing one of the three fundamental bodily doshas i.e. vata. Vata is responsible dosha for arthritis pain and joint pain. Herbal supplements contain specific nutrients that are not easily obtained from simple diet and influence on joint care. Treatment of joint pain with the help of natural herbs helps to get relief from joint pains and arthritis. Joint pain is one of the most devastating conditions faced by elderly persons today. Herbal remedies of joint pain are safe, without side effects and most effective. Herbal joint care supplements have their roots in Ayurveda - ancient healthcare system of India. Herbal remedies for joint pain are made from natural herbs and are effective pain reliever, fast acting and long lasting.